A Tour of the Jimi Hendrix Cafe in Essaouira, Morocco

The cool Jimi Hendrix Cafe in Diabat, outside of Essaouira, Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean.
To watch my other video from this same day CLICK HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfJgogupNoE
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" by Gabriel Morris is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. And it's just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventurous travel stories from around the world. Available on Amazon.com here: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
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Music during the video:

"Martini Madness" by DJ Blue
Download the song: http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/djblue/7628
Under CC BY license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. Filmed using an ICONNTECHS IT Ultra HD 4K Sport Action Camera.

Gabriel is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and has written several other books available on Amazon.com and elsewhere.

Thanks a lot for watching and safe journeys!

A Tour of the Jimi Hendrix Cafe in Essaouira, Morocco
Cities Essaouira
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