Best Bars Pubs & hangout places in Tangier, Morocco

Welcome to Tangier Food and Drinks Guide. This is MUST WATCH video if you are looking for the best wine and dine spots in Tangier. We have sorted our top picks for Pubs / Bars and places to hang out in Tangier for you after reviews received by our users and our in house Travel Specialists.

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List of Best Bars and Pubs in Tangier

Pub Carrousel
Blue Pub
El ConTacto
El Morocco Club
Restaurant Number One
Le Ryad du Chef
El Tangerino
OtriK Restaurant
Hôtel Husa Solazur Business & Spa
Farah Hotel Tanger

Please note :

- The background images shown in the video is for beatification purpose only, these images are NOT the actual pics of the place mentioned in the video.

- We and our channel DO NOT support drinking Alcohol in any way, This video has been made on request of our users / subscribers.

- Drinking Alcohol is injurious to Health.

Be Safe.

Cities Tangier
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