Tangier is an important port city in Morocco طنجة تستحق الزيارة

TANGIER has many of the things that travellers love--a sense of exotic mystery, interesting history, beautiful vistas, unspoiled beaches Tangier is an uncontrolled mix of north Africa, Spain, Portugal and France. It is located in northern Morocco, and was under joint international control until 1956. Tangier is separated from Spain by the 20 miles of the Strait of Gibraltar.
Frequent ferries make the short crossing from Europe each day, and many cruise ships sailing between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic often include Tangier as a port of call.
Tangier is more New York than New York.... Then you must see how alike the two places are. The life revolves wholly about the making of money. — Paul Bowles (1910-1999)
طنجة تستحق الزيارة
قناة المتعة الافادة والتبركيك
Cities Tangier
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